Breathing Underwater--Marie Digby
Friday, August 21, 2009
7:41 PM

I felt compelled to write another post before leaving for a week. My family's going to Virginia beach with several other family friends, so it should be fun [: I'll try to post through my phone but I don't know how to do that...

Today was a very good day...especially during the lunch time [:

This morning I had to say bye to the kids I help during volunteering ): It was sad because they were so cute and I grew close to them. Well, they didn't exactly know I was leaving, but I felt sad anyways haha.

This week has been super busy with finishing summer readings and rereading some books. On Wednesday, I went to Kennywood with several friends from youth group, and it started to pour halfway through the day, but it was fun regardless. The park really clears out when the weather is bad, because we didn't have to wait much for the rides. I think the times we went on the Phantom, we only had to wait around 15 minutes. Of course it wasn't fun being wet for half the day, but it was worth it. We left around 9 and ate a late dinner/breakfast at eat 'n park, and I didn't get home until 12, which is bad because I had a college interview the next day at 9. I woke up the next morning around 7 to get ready for my Cornell interview with an alumni working in the PPG building. I wore my suit! (: My dad decided to leave early and get there around 8 "just in case there's traffic." Of course there wasn't any traffic, so I had to walk around for an hour waiting for my appointment. I sat at the middle place with a lot of tables and chairs and this girl approaches me and asked if she could take my picture for her photography class. Apparently they were given an hour to take 35 pictures, but it was creepy nonetheless. My interview went very well [: My interviewer said I was the best she has seen in her 8 years as an interviewer and that she'll be writing a good report for Cornell. [: That made my day.

Some of my senior pictures are up on facebook, so you can go look at them. [: These are only several released for her blog so the rest will be coming out around next week. I'm going to get a lot of wallet sized ones (: I can't believe school is starting next week...summer passed by too fast. I felt like I haven't stayed at home much all summer especially now that I'm packing again. It seems as if this summer consisted of constant packing and unpacking...I almost want to stay home for once. I went to go get my school supplies on Monday, and it finally sank it that school will be restarting again. Hopefully, this year will be the best yet [:

I'm still debating whether I should go to the Yale tournament in the fall...I want to say yes but it's a lot of money. Maybe I'll pay for it with my paycheck? I got my first paycheck yesterday [: I think I'm going to take my family out to dinner soon.

Hosanna--Paul Baloche
Friday, August 14, 2009
8:03 PM

I chose Hosanna as the title, because we sang this song a lot at World Changers. I was once again reminded of World Changers today because I just uploaded all of my pics. I know I'm a little slow...I was going to upload it the night I got back from World Changers but facebook wasn't cooperating that day. I'm also currently uploading pictures from RYLA 7300 so you can go check those out [:

This week has been pretty average. On Monday, we drove down to Oakland to get our senior pictures taken by the Mellon Institute pillars, but sadly it started raining halfway through our session so we had to reschedule. For our second session on Wednesday, we took pictures at Hartwood Acres. Beautiful place but it was a long car ride to get there. I'll post some senior pics when I get them next week.

I just finished reading Paradise Lost...definitely a hard read. At times I find myself reading the texts but not comprehending the words. Well I'm going to have to reread it before school starts. I'm currently reading The Inferno, which is much better. I thoroughly enjoy reading Dante, mainly because of his creativity.

I'm working two days this week--Thursday and Saturday. Come and visit! I'll give you a free doughnut [: Work is pretty tiring. I'd never thought standing would hurt your feet, but it does. It is especially tiring now because Krispy Kreme decided to split Cindy and me up to cover different days. It was easier with Cindy there to do some of the work for me :p Well I guess I'll be glad once my paycheck comes out.

Marvelous Light--Charlie Hall
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
8:57 PM

Today was a pretty ordinary day. I read in the morning, and didn't do much in the afternoon, but I get to work tomorrow YAY [: It's really fun working at Krispy Kreme...except the drive thru. That scares me to death because I can't understand what they're saying most of the time, and you have to work fast. I get to work nine hours tomorrow with Cindy.

Anyways, dinner today was pretty fun. My dad ate early and left for volleyball, and I helped my mom study for the naturalization test. She's testing to become a citizen in September but she still has a lot of work to do (like learning American history for example). The test was really easy (probably because I took APUSH this year), but it was really hard for her. They get to choose whether they want to take the old test or the new test. The new test was made harder so I think my mom's going to take the old test. Well for one, the new test asks things like "name one author of the Federalist Paper." Easy for APUSH kids. John Jay, Alex Hamilton, or James Madison. But it was hard for my mom because she didn't even know there were opponents of the Constitution :p and she thought the Constitution was ratified in 1776. Oh dear.

Some things I learned about my mom today:
1. She doesn't know the American flag has red and white stripes D:
2. She thinks the capital of Pennsylvania is Philly (Understandable because I thought so too when I moved here from Bama)

Conversation about the 13 colonies:
Me: "Okay mom. You have to name the original 13 colonies"
Mom: names all of them except New Hampshire and Delaware
Me: "Think mom! What's beside Maryland"
Mom: "North Dakota??"
Me: "..."
Mom: "I don't know )':"
Me: "Delaware"
Mom: "No silly! That's by California!"
Me: "...okay moving on. There are three states beginning with "New" in the 13 colonies. You named New York and New Jersey. What's the other one?"

Yeah...we're going to have to do a lot of work on that one. And sadly, my mom knows more than my dad so even more work there.

Move Along--The All-American Rejects
Monday, August 3, 2009
3:55 PM

As of late my daily activities have begun to fall into a pattern: reading summer assignments, brainstorming about college essays, and sleeping. Now, I'm in this sad position partly due to my own fault. Procrastination has put me in this place where I'm scrambling to get everything done. I still need to study for my SAT II: Physics, prepare for the next forensics season, write all of my supplements and common app essay, learn JAVA, and read 4 books all by the end of the summer--a little under one month considering I'm going to Virginia Beach the 4 days before school starts. But it's not like I've been sitting at home in the beginning of summer doing nothing either. My problem is that I've packed way too many things into one summer. It seemed fun at the time going on a mission trip and attending two camps, but once you're back from one trip, you'll feel satisfied and never want to go to another camp. Counting up the days of my trips equates about 27 days. 27 days out of my summer where I can't do the aforementioned productive stuff. So now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place (Cindy's favorite saying :D) But I'm currently planning out a schedule to finish everything before school which means almost no free time. Not to mention, I'm going to be working 28 hours this week at Krispy Kreme (yay). Hopefully, all of this won't be too stressful. [: As long as I get my sleep, I'll be able to do anything.

RESPECT--Aretha Franklin
Saturday, August 1, 2009
12:52 PM

The reason I haven't posted in a really long time is because I've been at camp this past week. I went to a camp called RYLA sponsored by local rotaries (service clubs for older people for those who don't know) and we stayed at LaRoche College (surprisingly nice). It was so much fun! I would recommend it to any rising Juniors who are leaders...actually you don't even have to be leaders to attend this camp. We had really amazing speakers such as Ian Rosenberger, one of the top three from Survivor: Palau. Each day had a theme such as Rapport Building, Philosophy of Leadership, Ethical Leadership, Personal Development, and Service. A typical day usually went like this:

8:30 Breakfast
9:15 Morning Challenge (usually artistic activities)
10:30 Speaker
11:45 Lunch
12:45 Activity
2:00 Discussion Group (we broke up into 3 groups of 7 and talked about everything)
4:00 Free time
5:45 Dinner
7:00 Problem Solving Activities
8:30 More games
10:00 Curfew

However, on Tuesday we had a movie marathon and watched Taken and Mall Cop from 7:00-10ish. Then on Wednesday we played mini golf [: A mini golf place came to set up indoors because it was raining outside D: On Thursday we had dinner with rotary members and then had karaoke night. Once again, a DJ came and set up karaoke for us. [: It was so much fun! During this week, you get to know everyone there (21 kids, 4 counselors) and grow closer to them. On Wednesday during our discussion group time, we didn't break into our small groups but instead joined together for a special DG about personal events. We had to go around in a circle and talked about something that was significant in our life, and we heard inspirational stories from the counselors and sad stories from the campers ): It was upsetting to know what some of these people have gone through at the age of 17...

But overall it was so amazing and all of you juniors better apply next year [: I recommended some of you to the McCandless Rotary (the rotary that sent me and Kyle). Finally, we had to come up with a final performance directed by kids and performed by kids. Rachel from Fox Chapel was our director, and it was basically a talent show. It ran really smoothly even though we planned it on Friday, the day of the performance. It was such an inspirational experience and really helped me with personal growth. The best part is that the people I met are from the Pittsburgh area so we're planning reunions and will be able to see each other again. RYLA's goal is to get 100 or more kids to apply. Our RYLA is for the District of 7300 (greater Pittsburgh area) and the one I attended was the first ever one from this district. On the first day we arrived there, Sunday, our cars were mobbed by campers from the RYLA 7280 which is for a district close by, and they helped us get set up in our rooms and helped to introduce us to other campers. I met Hannah, a girl from RYLA 7280, and she texted me throughout the week to check up on me. So for all of you juniors out there, I'll be there to mob your cars next year [:


My name is Connie
I'm currently a Senior
This is a piece of my life. [:

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
designer   DancingSheep
resources   + + + + +
This is a tribute to my amazing parents, who often say things that make my day.


From Dad after I forgot to text/call for a day: "Lost and find connie yuan. Female. 17. Last time found at wei yuan house. Since then, we lost contact"

From Mom: "How are you going today. We miss you. Dad said your group was wired. Connie maybe was kidnapped. You know your dad himself is wired. Mom. [I think she meant "weird" [: This was after my dad dropped me off at camp and saw the mob and was freaked out.]

From Mom after I forgot to text again (oops): "Bad pang pang [fatty--my parents' nickname for me]. You lost again."